Queen City Quarter, including its parking garage, is private property. In order to ensure that your visit and that of your fellow guests is pleasant, we request that all visitors to Queen City Quarter comply with the following Code of Conduct:
- Do not physically or verbally threaten, harass, or disturb any person. Fighting, use of physical force, obscene or sexually explicit language or gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs, including the display of any of the foregoing on apparel or body art, which are likely to create a disturbance or a danger or impinge on the peace of Queen City Quarter’s patrons are prohibited.
- Do not possess any item that could be used as a weapon, including, but not limited to: firearms, explosives, fireworks, clubs or sticks, chemical dispensing devices, knives or any other object(s) that may be used in any way to inflict bodily injury on another person.
- Do not yell, scream, honk horns, race car engines, sing, play musical instruments, radios, audio players or other sound amplification devices, or otherwise communicate in a manner which creates noise of sufficient volume to disturb the ambient noise level of Queen City Quarter or impinge on the hearing or peace of Queen City Quarter’s guests.
- Visitors must be fully clothed, including shoes and shirts and may not wear any covering that fully or partially obscures a person’s face; religious or medical reasons exempted. Clothing that could be construed as indecent, or that exposes excessive portions of the skin are prohibited.
- Assembling, demonstrating, parading, picketing, marching, walking abreast in groups for the purpose of disturbing the peace or disrupting the enjoyment of Queen City Quarter for its guests, patrons and tenants is prohibited. Engaging in non-commercial expressive activity not pre-approved by Queen City Quarter management is prohibited.
- Do not run, skate, rollerblade, skateboard, ride a bicycle or scooter, or otherwise obstruct or interfere with the free flow of pedestrian traffic.
- Do not discard litter of any kind including gum and cigarettes at Queen City Quarter, except in designated trash receptacles. Rummaging through or removing items from the trash receptacles is prohibited.
- Do not urinate anywhere except at designated restrooms.
- Do not deface, damage or destroy any real or personal property constituting part of, or located in or on, Queen City Quarter and belonging to Queen City Quarter, its tenants or its patrons.
- Open cans, bottles or other receptacles containing any alcoholic beverage are permitted only in areas specifically designated for the consumption of alcohol. The consumption of alcoholic beverages at Queen City Quarter brought from offsite or purchased from on-site convenience stores are not permitted at any time in any area.
- The use or possession of any illegal substances or paraphernalia is prohibited. Smoking in areas other than designated areas is prohibited.
- No photography or videotaping without Queen City Quarter’s prior consent. No photography or videotaping in a manner that is harassing or disruptive to Queen City Quarter’s tenants, guests or patrons.
- Do not solicit money or other contributions or donations. Do not sell admission tickets to any event or venue, or distribute advertising, samples or promotional materials of any kind without prior written permission from Queen City Quarter Management.
- Do not sit on floors, planters, handrails, stairs, trash receptacles or any other areas not specifically designed for seating. Bicycles must be secured to approved racks provided by Queen City Quarter.
- Do not abuse elevators or escalators. Do not sit on escalator stairs or railings. No strollers or wheelchairs are allowed on escalators.
- Do not block, or otherwise impede traffic at, entry and exit doors, store entrances and access to or from stairs, ramps, escalators and elevators, including sitting on escalators or their handrails, or sitting, laying or otherwise being on the floor of the interior or exterior common areas of the Center.
- Do not use the Center as a place of slumber or temporary residence.
- Curfews, including but not limited to City of Charlotte Youth Protection Ordinance, and all local, state and federal laws will be enforced.
- Age requirements: After 9:00 pm, all guests must be 21 years of age or older, or be accompanied by and remain with a parent or legal guardian, at all times.
- Do not speed, cruise, race engines, solicit or place advertising materials on vehicles in Queen City Quarter’s parking areas or garages. Do not tamper with parking garage entry and/or exit equipment. Overnight parking without Queen City Quarter Management’s written consent is prohibited.
- Food purchased from offsite locations is prohibited. Specific food for health or dietary reasons permitted.
- All bags, backpacks and purses should be kept with the owner and not be left unattended at any time.
Violators of this Code of Conduct will be asked to leave Queen City Quarter property and may be cited for trespass or violation of local, state or federal law and/or may be arrested by local law enforcement agencies.
This Code of Conduct is not intended to deprive any person of their applicable civil rights or liberties under the law. If you feel your civil rights are being violated by the enforcement of this Code of Conduct, please notify Queen City Quarter management office by emailing us at info@queencityquarter.com or calling.